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HAVE (Humble Alpha Veteran Empowerment) is a diversified closed-ended PE fund dedicated to taking veteran businesses to the next level. We accomplish this by taking the high standards we learned in the military and build upon them in the civilian sector. Our tribe consists of thousands of Vetpreneurs of all military backgrounds and participates in nearly every industry of business.



In their book Unleash your humble Alpha, Steven Kuhn and Lane Belone discuss the topics of setting powerful intentions, creating space and investing in relational capital (among many other topics). They had the intention of creating a world where Veterans let go of the post, create a powerful vision for themselves and step into their greatness.


In time, Steven meets serial financial and risk management genius Rob Licopoli “by chance”. They hit it off. Now there are two veterans with a dream and an experienced investment specialist to put fuel on that fire.


Steven connects Sarah Singh and Rick Tamberrino to Rob, Rob then introduces his powerhouse director of investor relations Rachelle and the team came together to use decades of experience in various fields of business (and life) and apply it to a cause that will change the veteran space forever. To empower millions of Veterans from the inside out.


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